4k results for Wichita State University

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Pope Tech, powered by WAVE

Rankings were determined by calculating the average detectable errors from all scanned pages in each included institution. When referencing these results please consider the sample and the limitations of automated web accessibility scanning*.

Wichita State University Rankings

results for Wichita State University
Errors Per Page 2
Most Common Error Empty link - 5
Error Density 0.05%
Last Scanned 11-27-2023
WCAG 2 A/AA failure(s) detected? Yes
Pages Scanned 86
Overall Ranking #181 of 3,662
Ranking in Kansas #7 of 58
Ranking in Region: Plains #20 of 348
Ranking in Highest Degree Level: Post-Bachelor Degree #77 of 1,784
Ranking in Public Schools #110 of 1,556
Ranking in Schools with Enrollment 10000 - 19999 #19 of 300

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* Remember that the absence of detectable errors does not indicate that a site is accessible or compliant. Pope Tech uses the WAVE engine to scan for accessibility errors. WAVE can detect automatically detectable errors but not determine accessibility. In this context this means that this is not which institution or state is most accessible – something that cannot be automatically detected. It is simply which institution has the most detectable errors within their sample.

If two institutions have 0 detectable errors both would be ranked #1 with the 3rd institution being #3.